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I want to have a little fun today and I hope to get some participation and feedback.  This is one of those posts that will require audience participation so please pay attention.  Throughout the history of music, including all of the adaptations and changes, the concept of “cover music” has become a huge part of the art.  First, we have the typical “Cover Bands” that travel the circuit of bars and clubs and play all of the people’s favorites week to week.  We also have the traditional cover band, bands like “Youthanasia” (Megadeth Cover Band), that form and play everyone’s favorite band’s full catalogs.  Some of these bands mix in some occasional original material and some choose to stick to their idol.  “Cover Music” is and always will be an important part of the music industry.  And then finally, we have those bands that will mix in an occasional cover song or two on their studio albums.  Furthermore, some bands take it to the next level and release “Full Length Cover Albums” featuring different songs from bands ranging from the classic sixties, to modern day, and some even cover Holiday Favorites or even other music categories such as rap, pop, and R&B.

Through the years, there have been many great bands that have chose to release these full length “Cover Albums.”  Before Guns N Roses demise, they released a cover album called “The Spaghetti Incident” which was an album that consisted of mostly punk rock and classic hits from the seventies and eighties.  A few years back, Christian Heavy Metal band Stryper released the album called “The Covering”, which featured some Heavy Metal Classics, Hard Rock Classics and even one new song of their own. I must say, for any true Rock N Roll Fan, this is a must listen as this album is incredible.  Stryper covers a wide range of material and they nail every song.  Just this past year, Anthrax released an EP Cover Album named “Anthems” which featured music from AC/DC, Thin Lizzy, Journey, and others.  I was not aware of this, but during Joey Belladonna’s hiatus from Anthrax, he formed a Journey Cover Band in New York City, playing all of the clubs and pounding out all of the Journey Hits.  “Anthems” is another must hear for any metal fan.  You actually get a greater appreciation for a band when they go outside of their “comfort” zone.  Anthrax and Journey???  You are saying to yourself…how could this be any kind of success.  Many others would expect an epic fail.  Well, Anthrax kicked ASS on this album and it was one of the best releases of 2013.

Ok, so let us get to my purpose of this post.  I thought it would be fun to look at some high profile bands and the songs that you as a music fan would love to hear covered by other bands.  Many bands that cover music choose to pick songs that the audience is familiar with so that it may get more airplay.  I am one of those old school metal fans that would rather hear rare songs covered.  I think it makes the whole idea more fun and interesting.  I would like to take a look at some high profile bands of today and yesterday and form a list of cover songs that would be good for the wave of the future.  This is all for fun folks, so if you disagree or have your own opinions please join in.  I want this to be a fun exercise.


Ok, the first band that I would like to focus on is Metallica.  Metallica, part of the BIG 4, is one of the most popular Metal Bands to ever grace the music scene.  Numerous Metallica songs have been covered throughout history by many bands.  There are even a few Metallica Tribute albums that have been released featuring material from a wide range and variety of bands.  Metallica has covered many songs themselves.  Some popular Metallica covers include “Whiskey in a Jar” and “Turn the Page.”  Also, “Am I Evil” and “Blitzkrieg.”  So this brings me to my next question…if there was any Metallica song that you would want to hear covered by another band, what would that song be??  For me, this is a very difficult choice because I have so many favorite Metallica Songs.  Many have already been covered.  I always like to look at underrated songs when I pick my choice.  Well due to the circumstances of Metallica’s popularity and the large amount of songs that have been covered in the past, I have to go with one of my personal favorites.  I would love to hear “The Shortest Straw” covered someday.  “Shortest Straw” appears on the AND Justice For All album.


     Pantera has always been one of my favorite all-time bands.  Pantera is another band that has a large group of cover and tribute bands so many of their songs have been covered by once again a wide variety of bands.  Avenged Sevenfold covered “Walk” a few years back.  This is another hard choice for me because there are so many excellent Pantera Classics.  For me, the song “Hollow” has always been a huge song that makes you realize that life is short.  In essence, for the band this song was actually a premonition in a cruel way, as Dimebag Darrell was murdered and this song very well could be about him.  So for me, due to the circumstances and the power of this song, I would love to hear it covered.  Another Pantera song that I would personally love to hear covered, an underrated but very heavy song, would be “The Great Southern Trendkill.”  This is actually the first Pantera song that I heard.


     Alice In Chains has always been one of my inspirations as far as bands go. Layne Staley definitely died too young, but the band has truly recovered and are very successful today.  This is again another hard choice.  There are so many great Alice In Chains Classics old and new.  “Man in the Box” would be the obvious song that people would probably want to hear.  For me, I think it would be so cool to hear a band cover “The Rooster.”  That song brings chills down my spine.


     For me, Guns N Roses has been one of my all-time favorite bands.  The artwork from Appetite For Destruction is engraved in my brain like it is 1987 again.  Guns N Roses is one of those bands that you always say to yourself…what could have been?  I have many favorite Guns N Roses songs that I enjoy hearing and they never get old.  However, the one song that always made a lasting impression on me and is my personal favorite is “Its So Easy.”  I even look at bands today that may be able to pull this cover off and I feel that Avenged Sevenfold could be the perfect choice.  If anyone is reading this and is friends with the band, tell them that would be an awesome addition to their next album.


     For those of you that have never heard Typonegative…you have no idea what you are missing.  Typonegative was one of those Metal bands that shared many styles and meshed them together to form an awesome sound.  I would say that Typonegative was a clash between gothic/dark metal and progressive.  Former lead singer, Peter Steele, who has passed away was an extremely talented singer and songwriter.  Typonegative was short-lived and I wish they were still around because they were quite a band to see live.  The song I definitely would love to see covered is “Christian Woman.”  This song is an awesome tune that will bring chills to your spine.


     Growing up in the eighties and nineties, Fuel was one of my favorite bands.  Fuel has since disappeared; however, they are returning shortly as they are in studio working on a new album.  There are many personal favorites that would be awesome to hear covered.  Some of these include ‘Shimmer”, “Bittersweet” and “Bad Day.”  However, if I had to pick one song that would be extremely fulfilling to hear covered it would be “Jesus or a Gun.”  I even think the perfect band to cover this would be BuckCherry.


     When everyone thinks of the most popular Glam Metal Bands of the Eighties, they think Motley Crue, Poison, Warrant, Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister, Cinderella, Stryper etc.  However, growing up, my personal favorite was RATT.  RATT had an excellent set of musicians, Warren Demartini may be one of the most underrated guitarists of all-time.  When you think RATT, the two songs that come to mind are “Round and Round” and “Lay it Down.”  But if i would want to hear one of their songs covered it would definitely be “Body Talk.”  When I hear Body Talk the adrenaline rush I get is amazing.  Just listen to the song and it immediately brings me to the scene in Karate Kid, where the main character is in his fast car with the girl.


     Wow, this for me is the most difficult of all because Megadeth is my all-time favorite band.  I own every album, DVD, book, and tons of merchandise.  I even own a Dave Mustaine signature guitar.  All my fans know my fascination with Megadeth, so this would definitely be my hardest to pick.  However, I do have a song in mind that is underrated.  It may not be one of their greatest hits, but it surely kicks ass with Megadeth’s throttle tempo.  Its a song that has always done it for me.  The song is called “Scorpion”, and its off of The System Has Failed album.  I have never even heard this song live but I always request it at every live show that I attend.  Maybe someday, some band somewhere will bring this track to the forefront.


     What fun would this post be without me including a local band.  Overkill in my mind makes the Big 6, behind Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, and Testament.  Overkill has never went mainstream and has been pounding out aggressive thrash metal for over 30 Years.  Overkill has had many successful albums as well as singles.  For me, I would love to hear the song “Solitude” covered.  Solitude is featured on the album Horroscope, one of Overkills greatest pieces.  Solitude is as close to a ballad as you can get from one of Metal’s pure thrash kings.

Metal Church

     Metal Church, another 80’s Thrash Giant, just released Generation Nothing, which I voted as my #1 Metal Album release of 2013.  Metal Church, through all of the lineup changes has always been an awesome metal force in the metal community.  As I look at their catalog, there are so many songs that I would love to hear.  However, the song that comes most to mind, is the self-titled “Metal Church”.  The song Metal Church is heavy before its time and I could see a band like Lamb of God cranking the song up as if it were on steroids.

Ok, my list could go on and on forever.  I could probably write a novel of all the music that I would love to hear covered.  However, I would be grey and old by that time.  Oh yeah thats right…I am old.  Anyone that remembers these bands is an old head lol.  So, what are your favorite bands?  What songs would you love to hear covered.  Cover Music will continue to be an important part of the Metal Community forever.  As I am writing this, many other tunes are coming to mind.  Iron Maiden-Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter, Stryper-To Hell With the Devil, Motley Crue-Too Young to Fall in Love, ok…stop Bird…you are getting off track.  Ok, so we are seven days from Christmas, what albums have you asked for this season.  In my next post, I will feature some of the most anticipated album releases of 2014.  Until next time…enjoy your Thursday.  ROCK ON and LONG Live METAL!

About Jason Voorhees

36 Years Old Avid Heavy Metal Fan and Sports Nut

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